The nurse and home palliative care: a literature review
Enfermagem de cuidados paliativos, Assistência domiciliar, Estado terminalAbstract
Objective: to search for studies related to the role of nurses in the development of home palliative care, strengths and weaknesses. Method: narrative literature review, with a search for original and complete articles on DynaMed, via the ATITUS-Educação agreement, a database of clinical evidence in human health. Results: 14 international articles presented in a specific table with specifications for analysis were included. Discussions: Two themes were identified: 1- Barriers faced for home palliative care; 2- Facilitators and suggestions for implementing home palliative care, including for each subtheme: communication, knowledge and home palliative care in the context of the patient, caregiver and nurse. Conclusions: professionals have deficiencies in knowledge and communication about home palliative care, which would need to be instituted early, even in the hospital, with the consent of the patient and family. Palliative care needs to be strengthened in teaching and continue in specialized activities.